25th of June marks another great achievement for MOTONATION 2018, receiving official endorsement by MATRADE , a national trade promotion agency under the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). This makes MOTONATION the FIRST and ONLY international automotive exhibition incorporating LIFESTYLE segments being endorsed in Malaysia.
With the Endorsement of MATRADE this year, participated exhibitors/partners and sponsors will enjoy a lot of benefits in such :
- MDG Grant* claimable from MATRADE up to RM5000 within 40 days after the event. This grant is eligible for all registered MATRADE members. With the affordable participation fees of RM5000 per booth in Motonation, this means with the claimable grant, MOTONATION Platform is FREE for our exhibitors.
- DOUBLE TAX DEDUCTION INCENTIVES* ; Expenses incurred during Motonation such as booth setup, advertisement, printing materials, in kind or monetary sponsorship can be set off TWICE against taxable profits during the year end taxation submission. The set off is eligible to all Malaysian registered company and this means, not only exhibitors can claim the RM5000 from participation fees, other expenses could also be set-off from the year end taxation!.
- Automotive Export day; to be hosted by Motonation as part of pre-event activities. This program is dedicated to provide more information to all our participated companies on the available benefits provided by MATRADE and many other government agencies in expanding the products locally and internationally. These are the benefits that a lot of Automotive companies do not aware of. (Date to be advice by our team soon)
The endorsement is another step for MOTONATION in providing the best platform and assistance in market expansion for automotive related industries.
For more info and the registration as MATRADE members, kindly visit MATRADE website www.matrade.gov.my .