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Malaysia International Automotive Parts & Expo MIAPEX


MINES , 24-27th October ,Malaysia International Automotive & Parts Expo (MIAPEX) , an international automotive exhibition / expo and automotive spare parts was successfully organized by Motonation. The concept of MIAPEX exhibition is based on International Automotive Expo such as SEMA USA, Thailand Auto Parts & Accessories Fair (TAPA), Indonesia International Trade Show for Automotive Industry (INAPA).

MIAPEX 2019 occupied almost 18000sqms area of Mines International Exhibition Convention Centre (MIECC) and was participated by 6 country pavilions including Malaysia, China, Korea, Thailand, Taiwan & India with the participation of approximately 300 international automotive companies & businesses, motorcycles, car model fairs, the latest automotive systems and many other automotive sectors.

MIAPEX was strongly supported by Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB), an agency under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia. MyCEB serves as a central hub to assist meeting and event planners to bid and stage international business events in Malaysia and act as a conduit for national product development to all local as well as international organisers. Business events is a catalyst for socio-economic growth and helps to elevate the lives of the professional and local communities in Malaysia.

Besides MyCEB, MIAPEX was also supported by the Ministry of Rural, Ministry of Entrepreneur Development, Matrade and MIDA and was officiated by Minister of Entrepreneur Development, YB Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof on October 24, 2019.

Beside the expo, many other conjunction events were held such as Asia Automotive Business Summit which were presented by many key invited speakers, Business Networking Dinner, Business Delegation Luncheons and also a MOU signing ceremony between Motonation and China Counterpart in assisting the development of Automotive Industry in SEA Region. During the 4 days event, the 2nd Malaysia Big Bike Building Championship was also held in which attracted almost 40 participated bikes with one champion selected to represent Malaysia in next AMD World CustomBike Building Championship , Germany 2020.